TV Anchor, Carolyn Bruck is starting her third week of the Good Day Columbus, Nutrition Mission. Carolyn has embraced a new way of eating, is sleeping more hours and has implemented her personalized supplement regime. Congratulations Carolyn!! Carolyn mentions, she isn’t sure what each supplement is doing for her, but she says she is feeling “much better.” Likely this is a result of Carolyn’s customized protocol and her willingness to make changes. Her pgoram is personalized, multifaceted and includes several targeted supplements, specific to helping Carolyn achieve her health goals.
The supplement industry has exploded over the last decade with more and more people taking various forms of supplements, such as vitamins, minerals and herbs. Any one of these or all of these can be enormously helpful to transform health but many people run into problems from self prescribing and buying poorly formulated supplements that have no quality control.
To maximize the positive effects of supplements, first and foremost be cautious about self- prescribing. I find this to be the number one challenge with supplement usage. Shows like Dr. Oz have created much focus on supplements and while this is great, its important not to overload the system or take supplements that aren’t right for you.
Bio-individuality and personalization is critical when considering taking supplements. When it comes to taking supplements, this well known quote can be applied, “one man’s wine is another man’s poison.” The most effective way to create a proper supplement program is to work with a health professional trained in proper prescribing of supplements. Once your supplement program is started, it’s very important to review your program every three months as your health changes and your requirements become different.